Eschatology 2017

Jan 2017 - Apr 2017

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could know the future? You don’t need a crystal ball or a fortune teller because God has revealed His sovereign plan in the Bible. Instead of just looking at what could happen to those of us alive today, this course has a broad perspective, including Old Testament prophecies that have already been fulfilled and the major approaches to the study of Bible prophecy. Since everyone has a view on future things and a hope for the future, it is of the utmost importance that every Christian be grounded in God’s Word for a biblical future hope. We will emphasize the Premillennial, Pre-tribulational Rapture perspective in an understandable way. Once we have a good grounding in the amazing things predicted, we will be inspired to begin to live today in light of the glorious hope awaiting all believers.

The lectures were recorded during a live class at Chafer Theological Seminary in the spring of 2017.  In the new Chafer Seminary curriculum, this course is no longer offered in this format but in combination with Ecclesiology.

Even though this courses is available here, many of you should consider taking other courses from Chafer Seminary for either credit or audit when offered. Also, you should consider supporting Chafer.

Outlines (listed under notes) and slides (listed under slideshow) are also provided.

To listen to the Eschatology series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software.

Sermons in this series
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 10 secs
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Created by Jeromy H. and Barb A.

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