Sharon Gee
Rio Blanco, Mexico
Sharon works with a church that was founded over 30 years ago with the idea that it be a mission to the Aztec villages in the surrounding mountains. Her work in the area started there on a mission trip over 50 years ago when she joined a number of girls who would share the gospel with the indigenous people through the Operation Mobilization Team she was on in the town of Pachuca. There she met a life-long friend who became a Christian and continued to serve in the area to reach her own (Aztec) people for Christ. Sharon's friend has now passed away, but her husband, Pepe (Jose Barrios), continues the mission to this day.
Sharon has moved to Rio Blanco to retire, and is supporting herself on her retirement funds. She expects to help in Pepe’s church, teaching the Bible to women and possibly teenage girls. Additionally there may be occasions when she may join with Aztec young people on the teams and members of the church who teach and speak to women in the village.