Science and Scripture Series Radio Interviews

Aug 2019 - Jun 2024

Creation Science is a crucial topic for the Christian living in our secular, evolution-focused culture. Evolution actually does not have credible scientific evidence supporting it, but there is overwhelming scientific evidence supporting intelligent design and Creation Science. So this program is essential for every believer. The series was done for the ABQ Connect program for KNKT radio until May 2021 and then KLYT radio after May 2021, so it is in an interview format, with no PowerPoint slides or outlines. It runs about every three weeks beginning Aug. 7, 2019.

Sermons in this series
Passage: Genesis 3
Duration: 25 mins 8 secs
Oct 16, 2019 - This interview time was only half of that of the past interviews.
Duration: 46 mins 54 secs
Dec 18, 2019 - Engineer and teacher, Ray Mondragon, encourages us to see the evidence of our creator in the DNA of a single cell, and the entirety of the universe itself. For information about Creation Science Fellowship go to
Passage: Genesis 1:1
Duration: 33 mins 35 secs
This interview is shorter due to another short interview that shared the time slot.
Passage: Genesis 1:1-3
Duration: 49 mins 1 sec
This begins with an interview with Mike Riddle to 9:00 and then the rest is with Ray.
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